Construction of boiler houses in Moscow and the Moscow region.


Строительство котельных

Full construction cycle from MSM Logistic, LLC.

Construction of boiler houses is a specific field that requires available service permits and licenses. A contractor shall follow a technological process of stage processing in view to deliver the complete cycle.

The technical progress envisages available required equipment and knowledge of peculiarities of forming and setting heat pipes, works with hot sources of industrial and residential equipment.

Stages of boiler house construction

Before start of construction of heating rooms, it is recommended to study the work sequence.

Rules of stage processing:

  • inspection of the project and surrounding areas, preliminary planning and allocation of zones of the boiler house equipment.
  • Preliminary project levelling and development of required areas.
  • Approval of the client and conclusion of a contract for start of construction.
  • Complete design of the boiler house in accordance with the laws and acts of the country.
  • Passing supervision procedures and design signing by the authorized bodies. Receipt of documents for start and construction of premises for the boiler house purpose.
  • Construction of boiler houses involves highly qualified masters who have experience of work with equipment and aggregates.
  • Commissioning works and inspection of smooth work processing of the heating system.
  • Commissioning of the project to the client and higher authorities.
  • Introduction of proposals of money saving and reasonable methods of substance consumption for efficient space heating.

The technology developed by MSM Logistic has been successfully implemented at the projects of residential and amenity purpose. It is used for heating of different premises efficiently.

Строительство котельных

Construction of boiler houses comprise:

  • Forming of the territory heating at the stationary floor boilers;
  • Assembly and installation of additional heating generators;
  • Transformation of multistaged and modular boilers of amenity purpose;
  • Complete distribution of heat supply, lighting of all boiler house;
  • Reinstallation and repairs of the existing distribution line of the heating system.

Price of works is formed considering required volumes.

The works on formation and distribution of the system of construction joints and heating stations is quite labor consuming process that requires certain skills. Special attention is paid to the construction of foundations and strong base that is able to bear the loads of all systems.

Peculiarities of construction of heating units in MSM Logistic, LLC

MSM Logistic, LLC has huge staff of experienced and high-profile assemblers that can find the solution if there are any problems occur during launch of the heating equipment.

Construction of boiler houses has the following characteristics:

  • Fire safety;
  • Absence of flammable subjects in the main structure;
  • Installation of ventilation units;
  • Simplicity and convenience of future maintenance.

Convenience of use and quality of the erected boiler systems  may be estimated at the completed projects. Experience and professionalism of employees of MSM Logistic are proved by absence of additional repairs, extra payments for construction and compliance of the works with the exact schedule. Warm premises and available cost reduction of heating is a fine combination that is proposed by the designers.

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